JASON // Van’t Rood 

Jason // Van’t Rood

Age: 25

Location: Wasatch mountains, Utah

Favorite Riding Spot: Any road with some good turns to overslide

How did you get started?

My buddy at a party showed me a couple videos, and I knew that I wanted to be a freeborder. He fell off, and here I am!

How long have you been riding?

riding since mid 2013

Best Freebord Memory:

Last summer I was able to make it 4 spread the shred events, and to fras. I also was able to help host our own event in salt lake city last year. My best memory is just getting to meet freeborders from all over the place, and form instant friendships

Board settings:

83 cm bamboo
G3-r’s with loose trucks and center wheel at halfway
Da blues


[creativ_button url=”http://store.freebord.com/owl-bamboo/” icon=”shopping-cart” label=”BUY HIS SETUP” colour=”red” colour_custom=”#df4040″ size=”medium” edge=”rounded” target=”_blank”]


[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHhUm8E-UXs[/embedyt]


Hillbilly Slope Style

| Caleb Casey, Corey Lucero, Jason Van't Rood, luke miller, Media, On The Road, Team, Videos | No Comments
Yooo! If you have been reading the blog and watching the videos I have been making, you might have already realized what is happening. I am basically creating the official un-official Freebog Vlog on my YouTube page. I will be uploading a new video almost every week, so give it…

Freebord Team Goes to Europe 2018

| Caleb Casey, Corey Lucero, David Bickett, David Schiotis, Jason Van't Rood, Jordi Puig, luke miller, Nicolas Garel, Team, Videos | No Comments
What's up Freebord world? Luke Miller here with my first ever blog post! Last summer I had the opportunity to travel to France and Switzerland with the rest of the Freebord professional team. Along the way, I captured many behind the scenes moments on my iPhone and GoPro. I compiled…

Utah Spread The Shred Re-visit

| Caleb Casey, Corey Lucero, Jason Van't Rood, Media, On The Road, Spreadtheshred, Team | No Comments
After a few months of my shoulder healing up from its dislocation, I decided to head on over to Utah to partake in their annual Spread the Shred ride. Check out the video from last year:Freebord season is getting fired up, so keep your eyes peeled for your local Spread…

2018 Freebord Team Eurotrip

| Caleb Casey, Corey Lucero, David Bickett, David Schiotis, Jason Van't Rood, Jordi Puig, luke miller, Media, Team | No Comments
Whatsup Freeworld!! I could have wrote a super long detailed post about this trip, but decided making a video would be better. This is more of a behind the scenes perspective of our trip, and the video is a bit on the longer side coming in at 30 minutes. So…