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The Vault

The Vault
May 29, 2014

Throwback Thursday Freebord in Forbes

Forbes does Freebord Check out Freebord in today's Throwback Thursday circa 2000, featuring Steen Strand in Forbes Magazine; complete article below. Article Link Wheeler-Dealer Dodging buses and taxis, Steen Strand careens down Potrero Hill in San Francisco. Riding a six-wheeled contraption–half skateboard, half snowboard–he’s able to spin 360 degrees on the mongrel board…
RandomThe Vault
May 22, 2014

Throwback Thursday over the years.. Freebord Mfg., founded in 1997,  has seen its fair share of websites, and for this week's #Throwbackthursday, we're taking you on a trip down memory lane. 1998 - The first stop along this journey is brought to you by the year 1998; our first website in all its…
The Vault
July 19, 2010

Content Coliseum

Time for round 2 of Content Coliseum. Two videos from the vault will be matched head to head like ancient Gladiators – you, “the mob” decides who lives to fight another day and who dies, archived forever. Last week, FB Kings slaughtered June Ride '04 and secured its space on…
The Vault
July 15, 2010

Content Coliseum

Since we launched the new website, we've been going through our server and cleaning out a bunch of directories and links from years past that we don't use anymore. Most of it will be archived, living out the remainder of its digital years on a dusty hard drive in…
The Vault
February 11, 2010

From the Vault: Freebord Prototype

We finally decided to update our Freebord evolution wall, and hung up bords with the Alpha and G3 trucks. Some of these boards never really worked right, according to Steen. But others weren't so bad - check out this video from the vault of Bomze and Sean Ferry riding one…