John Laudin and Steve Bianco had their last Washington stop in Bonney Lake. We had a huge turn out thanks to Rainier Board Shop. Props to everyone who attended and cruised!
Progression and innovation is what drives us. Through years of evolution and rider driven design, Freebord has engineered a setup that rides exactly like a snowboard on pavement.
dam those falss were fucking horrible.. lol.. worst falls of the tour on video at least.. well music is so dangerous minds i can see michelle phifer yelling at her students then crying cuz her kids got shot in a dirve by.. fits really well with a rural lake community.. lol.. the purple jeresy dude was good.. steve were you the one that face planted?
AhhhhhhhhHHAAHAahha that was sooo sick! Love the song too!
haha yeah bringing back the old school muzix. cool vid, I cant get over how butter smooth the roads looked there….
Damn did some of those guys just learn that day??! If so that’s crazy.
Oh and how are the two that ate it super hard? The girl who fell on her bum and the dude in the beginning.
Those falls were awesome! haha and a couple other close calls. FUN!
dam those falss were fucking horrible.. lol.. worst falls of the tour on video at least.. well music is so dangerous minds i can see michelle phifer yelling at her students then crying cuz her kids got shot in a dirve by.. fits really well with a rural lake community.. lol.. the purple jeresy dude was good.. steve were you the one that face planted?