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March 3, 2016


The Spread The Shred 2016 tour is coming fast! We have a bunch of already confirmed locations but are always looking for more. Looking to host a local ride, let people crash at your crib, or any of the other ways to get involved? Contact our boy Josh! He is…
February 23, 2016

Don’t Scatter Trailer – Slidework

The dudes over at Slidework just dropped the hammer with this trailer. Filmed beautifully in Italy, Austria, and Germany and edited in a a teasing fashion - this trailer gets me hyped to see the final cut that will drop this spring. Until it drops, if you end up in Germany…
Jonay GrossoVideos
February 23, 2016

Back Through Giants

Freebord Tenerife just dropped this dope new edit! Here is what they had to say about it "Here, one day between Friends in one very nice road, steep and narrow, between giants cliffs. That Road!!!!!!! This was the answer of one friend when I told him, we came back to…
Jordi PuigTeam
February 19, 2016

Divide And Conquer – Jordi Puig

Jordi‘s section from the Euro team trip video Divide And Conquer. This was my favorite Freebord section I have even gotten to edit. Jordi has so much such fluidity and style when he rides that he makes it look too easy. The filming from this video was truly top shelf…
February 18, 2016

True Life || The Steepest Streets in San Francisco

Measuring The Steeps It's difficult to articulate, in any medium, the hair-raising steepness of San Francisco's streets.  While scaling these beasts, I often find myself awestruck by the sheer audacity of the engineers (sorry). Filbert St. is often billed (incorrectly) as the steepest street in San Francisco. I've shredded and crashed…