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From the description:

With this Video we are also entering the Slopestyle Video Contest to win the best Freebord setup known to mankind!

Enjoy our Island Freebord experience with us. All for free, but if you want, throw some in the TipJar. It will be much appreciated and the money will probably go in our gas tank for the next trip.

This is Part two – Ohh this one…Epic spot in the east, going down to a beach.

Song: The Ninetys- Money

Thanks to:
Freebord Teamrider Jonay Grosso for hosting us,
Smooth Jose Moreno Hernandez for laying the Freebord seeds on this Island,
Freebord MFG for the Spread the Shred Shirts and Stickers,
Entitlement Urethane for some wheels,
Freebord Germany for some Equipment,
all the people that sponsored Josh,
all the Riders that came to ride,
you for sharing,
and the Slopestyle Guys for the Contest!


Washed up former Freebord team rider, current washed up Freebord team manager. “Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Don’t teach a man to fish…and feed yourself. He’s a grown man. And fishing’s not that hard” – Ron Swanson

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