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fra 09

September 6, 2009

FRA Results

Congrats to Richie Verost, Rookie of the Year Corey Lucero, Standout of the Year and Justin Oliver, Rider of the Year 2009. We're still raging here in SF, but peep a little of the fun from last night here: thanks to Joe for the edits!
September 3, 2009

Final Final

FYI on the final final sched. for this weekend. Peeps are already starting to roll through... the hype is at its peak! Friday, Sept. 4th 12-4pm: Airport pickups, Riders start arriving at FB Factory 6pm-12am: Welcome to SF BBQ - chill, party @ Freebord (Banshee Bungee anyone?) Saturday, Sept. 5th…
August 27, 2009

FRA Weekend Schedule

Alright, we finally got it locked down - Here's what's going on for you next weekend: Friday, Sept. 4th 12-4pm: Airport pickups, Riders start arriving at FB Factory 6pm-12am: Welcome to SF BBQ - chill, party @ Freebord (Banshee Bungee anyone?) Saturday, Sept. 5th - World Freebord Day 10am-12pm: Breakfast…