Spread the Shred Taiwan 2017
Spread the Shred 2017 touched down in Taiwan a few weeks ago. In total, 37 riders came out to shred, drink beer, and catch a nice Taiwanese sunburn. Bob Glashan gave out some sweet STS shirts and Tony brought some of the most vintage stickers we have ever seen.
Bob had this to say: It was awesome!! We rode on Yingming Mountain, outside Taipei, and the whole group rode from 10am to just after 5pm. There was such great turnout, I think Taiwan had one of the biggest STS events this year! We had a great time and hope to see everyone next year for what is sure to be an even better event.
Check out the Taiwan STS video below:
One rider even brought a custom TioEmm deck!

Here’s a shot of the full STS crew!

Bob also cut some of the shots of the event for people to see how riders Monkey and Pig Small are doing: