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David Schiotis A.K.A “Vid” hit me up the other day with a sick little video showcasing his summer of Freebording. Here’s what he had to say:

“My fellow Freeborders this has been a true freebord summer, and I couldn’t be more stoked on it! From the team trip in June to Jordi’s west coast visit in August, this summer has been everything a freebord junkie could have wanted.

After practically traveling the entire west coast, Southern California to Seattle Washington, I had to cut together some of the footage that I have my hands on. It is nowhere near as glorified or full of freestyle as the 2014 Pro Team video is going to be, but nonetheless I really enjoyed cutting this “Vid by Vid” together.

I do want to say that I screwed up the shot with Jordi and Tom. Unfortunately, the shot is overexposed and slightly out of focus, but don’t bust my balls too much, okay? It was the first follow cam of the day, and in the famous words of the great Hannah Montana “everybody makes mistakes, everybody has those days.”

Anyway, I liked that shot so much I had to put it in video. There was no way I was going to cut out Jordi’s absolutely flawless riding. This was my first time meeting him. We were on an epic hill, and he was bombing regular, goofy, spinning every which way like pro he truly is.

There are plenty of other solid riders in this video. Now go on all yall! Watch it for yourself.
Cheers to all my friends, new and old, I shared this sweet summer with, and I can’t wait for the many more to come.

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Sweet Summer from David Schiotis on Vimeo.


Washed up former Freebord team rider, current washed up Freebord team manager. “Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Don’t teach a man to fish…and feed yourself. He’s a grown man. And fishing’s not that hard” – Ron Swanson

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