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August 10, 2015

Bently rides The Range Tee

A couple weeks ago we had Mike Hoppe test out one of our two new shirts, The Natural High tee. The tee shirt performed flawlessly downhill so it got us thinking - how will our other new tee perform while freebording? Last week we had a crew of riders together…
August 4, 2015


The annual Freebord Rider Awards are coming up again and we are definitely going all out for this one! The past two FRAs have been held at our very own headquarters in San Francisco, but this year we decided to shake things up a bit by renting a huge party…
July 25, 2015

Teneriffic Part 5 – The Tourist Road

In episode five from the Teneriffic series, “The Tourist Road”, the guys find an EPIC ( and I don't use that word often) road on the Westward side of the island. I believe this to be the road I often see in my dreams but never imagined such wondrous lanes…
July 24, 2015

Dethbox – Shred Rat

Dethbox just dropped Rob Balot's first solo edit. He is only fourteen years old but what he lacks in age he makes up for in enthusiasm. This footage is compiled over the past few months of riding with his brothers Austin and Aj Pachaud, the Freebord Spread the Shred Utah road…
MediaPhotosThe Vault
July 23, 2015

Freebord #TBT Ninja Bob

Today's Throwback Thursday features Bob Glashan a few years back on an insanely hairy stairset in SF (while it may not look it, trust me it is!). Props to Bob for doing this one several times in order for me to get the shot!    
RandomThe Vault
July 16, 2015

Throwback Thursday – Team Trip

Well, it is Thursday again. A day to reminisce in a throwback fashion about days in the past. This throwback is to last year's "choose your own adventure" team trip. A run and gun tour searching for hills thrills. I collected a group of photos that captured the awesome vibes…