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August 30, 2016

Spread The Shred-Taiwan-2016

The shred is infecting the globe check out the spread the shred stop in Taiwan. A little over 20 riders hitting the rolling hills  through the forest covered mountains of Taiwan. For more on the Freebord in Taiwan check out there Facebook
August 27, 2016


FLASHBACK FROM THE FRA'S 2015Never been to a FRA, Wonder how Freebord gets down? Here's a glimpse of the 2015 rider award. So you know why you should attend and know what to expect. Make sure to save the date and be at Freebord Mfg by 2pm Friday october 14th.  Freebord Tentative Itinerary…
August 18, 2016

It’s BSV season

Get your footage together With the FRA around the corner, it's now that time to prepare for the Best-Submitted-Video. Let's dial it back and take a look at last years 1st place winner. This year we are doing the Best-Submitted-Video a bit differently. Originally the BSV was just one contest,…