As many of you have already seen, we’ve created a campaign to promote helmet use among riders of all kinds called Wear a Helmet 4ST. We’ve gotten a ton of riders to take the 4ST pledge to wear their helmets and have sent 4ST decals all over the world. It’s so cool to see the decals popping up in a lot of the videos and photos coming through Freebord and we’re psyched so many people are getting behind this movement.
That said, here are just a few examples of what Wear a Helmet 4ST means to some of the fans. Please go to to take the pledge and share your story with us!
“Hey guys, I got my stickers today, and it couldn’t have come at a better time. One of the guys from our crew got into a monster crash while going downhill yesterday. He’s bed bound for a week but no major damage, thanks to his helmet which now has a 15 cm crack down one side (picture). It could have been way worse. Moral of the story, wear a helmet and stay safe. Thanks for helping spread the message. So much love for you guys from Australia ♥” — Amanda Amelle Young
“I’ve just received the stickers in the UK, thanks guys! I survived a severe brain injury and your pledge came out just as I left hospital. I didn’t used to ride with a helmet but now I realise the danger that exists. I think it’s a great idea and I’ll be spreading word about always riding with a helmet.” — Matt Turnbull
“Just arrived to Argentina!! Sharing to everyone’s who rides!!” — Uli Bayer
“Being lucky enough to be able to call Sam Trowbridge one of my best friends, I’d like everyone to know how humbled he would be at the incredible response of this by everyone involved. Thank you all do much, Duncs.” — Duncan Wright
Oeve Geypen
Backside edge head crash from GeO on Vimeo.
“My son had a serious freeboarding accident last summer where he nearly died. He had a helmet on but not properly. He fractured his skull along the temporal lobe, broke his ear drum and had a brain injury. My kids were never allowed to ski, snowboard, skateboard, bike ride etc without a helmet. I support this page and pledge, shared it to all my friends of Facebook…but please wear them properly as well…nothing worse than being told your child may not survive.” — Cheryl Houghton-Flamand