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Spread the Shred Poland 2017

On a beautiful Friday morning in Poland, Michal Kucharski and the FreeR26 Crew, joined by friends and fellow riders, headed out for a 3-day shred excursion hitting the dopest spots they could find in Poland. Their weekend was full of steep slopes and sharp-ass turns.

Michal had this to say: It was awesome! Our first spot was about 1.5 km long with 90-degree turns.  After lunch, we hit up a new spot that was steeper with longer straightaways, so we held an impromptu slide tournament…which went to decision twice. We had an awesome spot to rest and prepare for the next day.  It has a pool and a barbecue, so we had a great time both nights. The next day, we went 30km to next spot and had another full day of riding.  Other than the van getting broken into and some organizational challenges, it was a total success.  We are STOKED for next year!! 

Check out these photos and video from the event, and for the full album, click here

Hunter Pawlaczyk

Moved from Vermont to California in 2014, started at Freebord Mfg in March 2017. Freeborder, snowboarder, longboarder, hop enthusiast.


  • Thanks for coming riders from all over Poland. Unfortunately, the bus after Saturday’s hard work did not stand the next day.
    Congratulations to winners in the Slopestyle competition, we hope the wheels are doing well 🙂
    For more information:

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