Due to the popularity of the first SF City Shred ride, we have decided to make it a bi-monthly thing! This way any Bay Area locals who want to get down with some shredding twice a month can meet up at the Freebord headquarters – not sure where the HQ is?
Click the map below!
The ride will be starting at 5pm – just after the day’s orders of Freebords get picked up by our UPS guy. Once the squad gets in we will be taking out the DETHBOX van and hitting up the finest hills SF has to offer. So if you’ve been searching for a consistent crew to skate with, this is your answer. This is a ride for any skill level so don’t be discouraged if you’re still learning.
Last year we had a similar group ride goin’ down called ThursBay Shreds. Take a look at the video below for an idea of how the SF City Shred series is going to be. Beers, burgers, hills, thrills and sometimes spills can be expected so BRING YOUR HELMET.
ThursBAY Shred v2 from Freebord Mfg. on Vimeo.
If you have any questions about the which day the ride is, how to find the warehouse, where to meet up or just what our favorite type of sandwhich is – give us a call at (415) 285-2673 or email our dude Bob at [email protected]
See you there!