A group of gypsies from the Raza board shop in Grenoble, France came out to visit San Francisco. This group of tourists included Naïm Chenguiti, Guilhem Grimo & the Raza brothers Loic & Nicolas Panel
Song: Chop that hoe
Artist: Jay Tee & Mac Dre
Progression and innovation is what drives us. Through years of evolution and rider driven design, Freebord has engineered a setup that rides exactly like a snowboard on pavement.
I need nose press advice. I can ride on a tail press for days. But my nose press always swings around eventually. I’m trying to go pro so I need steez in all areas.
Their brand’s website: http://www.raza.fr/boutique/
I need nose press advice. I can ride on a tail press for days. But my nose press always swings around eventually. I’m trying to go pro so I need steez in all areas.