Progression and innovation is what drives us. Through years of evolution and rider driven design, Freebord has engineered a setup that rides exactly like a snowboard on pavement.
I would definately have to say, “that every freebording dream I have from here on out I will slamming out those tight ass tricks, shit there might even be a daydream or two that Senor Nick Ross es mi amigo & I are the bestest of friends. (Please lord grant me the serenity to accept the S#@* I cannot slam out,
Haha man that dude is cool…
what a fucking bamf
anyone know what song that is?
whos is nick ross
I would definately have to say, “that every freebording dream I have from here on out I will slamming out those tight ass tricks, shit there might even be a daydream or two that Senor Nick Ross es mi amigo & I are the bestest of friends. (Please lord grant me the serenity to accept the S#@* I cannot slam out,
on my bord& the balz to kill the ones I can.And the wisdom to know the difference between you & Senor Nick Ross)
kids got hops
might be on a roady down to welly soon, should ride down there nick